Pet Urgent/Emergency Care

Here at Bridgerland - Cache Animal Hospital, our team of caring veterinary professionals is committed to providing your pet with the care he needs. Located in Logan, UT, we offer a range of services for your pets. We're here for you for wellness exams, vaccinations, and when your pet needs us most- providing immediate urgent and emergency care during our regular hours.

Pet Emergency

Read on to learn more about pet urgent care and pet emergency care and how they may be necessary to preserve your pet’s health in a time of crisis:

When Is Urgent Care Needed?

Urgent care is needed when your pet is not suffering from a life-threatening condition but you cannot wait for a regular appointment. Typically, in an urgent care situation, you'll be able to call the vet and let us know what's happening before heading over. Once you’re with us, your pet will be evaluated and treated based on the severity of his symptoms. Signs of an urgent care situations can include:

  • Bite wounds
  • Insect/parasite bites
  • Mild vomiting or diarrhea
  • Rash or other skin issues
  • Ear infections
  • Loss of appetite
  • Blood in urine or stool
  • Discharge from nose or eyes
  • Fever
  • Pain/tenderness
  • Limping

When Is Emergency Care Needed?

Emergency care is needed when a serious or life-threatening event has affected your pet. In this case, you may simply come in with your pet but do try to call ahead so that we can prepare for the emergency and direct you on the best way to transport your pet. Signs of an emergency situations include:

  • Seizure
  • Fainting/collapse
  • Accident/trauma (a fall, being hit by an object or car)
  • Poison or toxic ingestion/exposure
  • Excessive bleeding
  • Severe vomiting or diarrhea
  • Heatstroke
  • Bone fracture
  • Shortness of breath
  • Sudden Unusual gait
  • Trouble walking
  • Confusion

You know your pet best, so if you think he needs immediate help, don't hesitate to bring him in.

Get Veterinary Care and Emergency Care from a Veterinarian Near You

If you need a veterinarian near you in the Logan, UT, area, we at Bridgerland - Cache Animal Hospital are here for you and your pet. Our facility is ready to treat a range of conditions. Call us at (435) 752-2151 for veterinary care and pet emergency care from our vet care team.
